Emacs - Spawning Child Process: Invalid Argument

I tried to fix it for 3 hours at mid-night with my laptop at home.

[ When? ]
* when you call a external program on emacs.

[ My case ]
* when
"M-x slime" or "M-x run-lisp"
=> emacs error message - Spawning Child Process: Invalid Argument

* Error
(setq inferior-lisp-program "C:/myprog/clisp-2.49/clisp.exe")
(add-to-list 'load-path "C:/myprog/slime-2.20")

* Solution
(setq inferior-lisp-program "clisp.exe")
(add-to-list 'load-path "C:/myprog/slime-2.20")

[ Tip ]
* I don't know exactly the reason(why the error is happened).
 Because "full path" has no problem on the other computer in office.
 Anyway only the different is
 => I am using winddows 10 and I installed lisp with install file(clisp-2.49-win32-mingw-big). But slime is a zip file(slime-2.20.zip).
* There are various reasons it is happend.
  But common reason is "failed to call a external program on emacs".

  good luck.

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